Phillip and Jennifer are currently living in Taiwan for a year! Jennifer is working for an international school teaching first grade (yes, this is new!). Phillip will be working on his education and taking good care of his wife..... page down to the bottom of this page to view past posts! Thanks for visiting
I've been sick for a while with a nagging cough. It started as a fluid low in my lungs that kept me from sleeping at night. So, I went to the doctor and explained that I couldn't sleep because of the need to cough all night. To our surprise, the doctor didn't listen to my lungs, nor did he look at my throat. Instead, he put his stethoscope on my stomach. With great resolve he looked up and said, "You're sick because you eat too much." As this was a bit flabbergasting, we decided to dig deeper. Phillip asked him to listen to my lungs. So, he put his stethoscope on my lungs, listened to me breathe, and then as though he had wasted the last minute of his time he said, "Yes, yes, there is fluid in the lungs, but it is because you eat too much." Seeing that we were still unconvinced, he pulled out a book of diagrams of the body and showed us how the overabundance of food was pushing the extra liquid into my lungs. I have never learned so much in one doctor visit.
We decided to get a second opinion.
Labels: illness, Taiwan
posted by Phillip and Jennifer #
6:50 PM