The Allen's Online Blog

Phillip and Jennifer are currently living in Taiwan for a year! Jennifer is working for an international school teaching first grade (yes, this is new!). Phillip will be working on his education and taking good care of his wife..... page down to the bottom of this page to view past posts! Thanks for visiting

Sunday, December 2, 2007


For Grandmother

My Grandmother is always telling me that I should hold on to the cute things my students say, because I'll appreciate the stories as time goes by. So, here's something cute.
Phillip started working as an ESL tutor for the same school where I am the first grade teacher. The kids really make a big deal about me being married. They whisper and giggle whenever Phillip visits the classroom. Some of them are appalled and say they hate married people, some of them think it's funny that a boy and girl can like each other, some of them think it's romantic, and some of them are just baffled that we can be married and not have children. One of the girls tries to make me jealous by hugging Phillip or holding his hand, and then reporting to me later that she was touching my husband.
At lunch the other day, the girls were being dramatic about me talking to Phillip. One of the girls asked me, "Why does Mr. Allen always want to sit with you?" I leaned in and whispered, "I think he likes me!" They all squealed and giggled and covered their mouths in shock. Then, another girl leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I think he loves you!" and then screamed at the horror of her own statement. This started the table talking about how crazy married people can be. The girl who had whispered in my ear got the table's attention with something that seemed like it must be big news. "Do you want to know something so crazy?!?" she asked. "My mom likes my dad's bum-bum!" This time, I had to laugh too.

I'm now playing Santa Claus for in the school musical. :D


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