The Allen's Online Blog

Phillip and Jennifer are currently living in Taiwan for a year! Jennifer is working for an international school teaching first grade (yes, this is new!). Phillip will be working on his education and taking good care of his wife..... page down to the bottom of this page to view past posts! Thanks for visiting

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Who writes these blogs?

Now you might be wondering who exactly writes these blogs when they are signed "Phillip and Jennifer"? Well that first sentence probably gives it away.... it isn't me Phillip. My job is to inspire and play a role in the blogs that are posted. I say why should the non-english major write when you have someone perfectly capable of not only writing, but writing well. I am a firm believer in placing people where they belong and where their strengths are at. I feel that I have the ability to write well, however the amount of time and effort it would take would consume me. I also do not want to bother those who can not stand all my grammar errors etc. I feel my gift is in speaking and communicating non verbally. For example : or ;?? (I don’t even know what is supposed to go there, a semi colon or a colon, you choose and get back to me). I was in a food shop here in Taiwan and I wanted some food (duh). Since this was like my second month here I did not know the word for chicken. I asked the lady in English for some chicken (thinking the single word might provide me with my desired sustenance), however this did not work. So I, being at a lose for words both n English and in Chinese, clucked like a chicken and flapped my wings (only a little bit and I did do it quietly). After a quick laugh from the cashier and a scolding from my wife I GOT MY CHICKEN! Now I know how to say a lot of basic food items and I don’t have to squak no more (I know that aint good English… guess what I teach English, good thing I have a textbook)! Have a great day!

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Saturday, March 8, 2008


Taiwan Things

There are a lot of things about Taiwan that don't stick out as being so different from what we're used to. Actually, the longer you're here, the more everything seems normal. Just to give you an idea of some of the little differences that start to seem normal, here's a list of Taiwanese things:
1. Family vehicle = scooter, fitting Mom, Dad, up to three kids and a dog
2. Stinky tofu
3. Squid on a stick
4. Corn and peas on every pizza
5. Corn on or in everything you order
6. Traffic lights are taken as suggestions
7. 7-11's on every corner, all of which sell tea eggs
8. KTV, or karaoke, is the thing to do on holidays... or any day
9. Bones even in chicken nuggets
10. Squat toilets
11. ALWAYS at least one hair in any meal when eating out
12. Men chewing and spitting betel nut everywhere you go
13. No tipping at restaurants
14. Night markets
15. Packs of dogs roaming the streets
16. Chasing after garbage trucks playing the ice cream truck song
17. Paying higher prices based on the fact we're white
18. The overwhelming smell of...?
19. Eating out every day is normal, and usually cheaper than cooking at home
20. Spending $3 U.S. a week on gas



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